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A member registered Jan 08, 2021

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That's weird, my game works perfectly fine

(1 edit)

To add something I forgot, when I was talking about special characters I reffered to stuff like hearts and other ANSI stuff, characters like [/ . , = - + _] do not seem to work most probably because of the color of them (the background is black, same as these characters)

I have not seen any posts about this thing, but you can change the intro text by changing some stuff in the files.

This can be done by going into your assets folder and then going to data, there you will find an introText.txt file which you can edit with any text editor including notepad.

In the file you will find all of the possible "intro texts", you can add or remove as much as you want by following the next structure

[first text]--[second text] (adding more lines won't create new text)

The lines separate the order of appearance, you can even only leave one text at the start or at the end and it will work, it doesn't have text limit I belive but if the text is too long it wont appear/fit on screen

You may be able to use the special characters that are in the alphabet file but I haven't tested it yet because it may break because of format reasons

(english is not my first language btw so I may commit grammar mistakes here)